What is ECS? You ask. 

Well, it was a dream that Icebox & Missy had and then when Missy met Belle it all came together in Belles Barn on her property in Shirley, MA. This would be the future location for this magical skate camp. 

The Dream. 

Missy used to work for a big skate brand and enjoyed her time being a coach for their big skate camps. They wanted to see things differently and most noticeably they wanted to see more people of color have the role of coach and camp coordinator to start. Secondly, Icebox is a crafted Chef with a passion for food and community, so they naturally want to open a food truck. That is where this little dream TTSA came from, we are saving for a truck someday to bring Two-Tias Truck to the streets. So till then, we will feed you at our skate camp! Missy had a terrible experience with bad-tasting food when they were coaching so they saw how we could do so much better and actually meet others' food restrictions. Leaving Campers with a good taste in their mouth from not only a good meal but a great experience. 

Now here we are putting on Year 3 of ECS, it's amazing that it even exists and even cooler that people love it as much as we did when we dreamt of it. We wanted a safe space, true diversity, and real community and that is what you get when you come to ECS.